'math+econ+code' masterclass
on computational game theory
and applications to matching
January 7- 9, 2025
This intensive course will be focused on game theory with a particular emphasis on its computational aspects. and applications to matching models. It will cover zero-sum games and linear programming, bimatrix games and Lemke–Howson algorithm, correlated equilibria, repeated games and bargaining, with various applications in economics, from the crossed perspectives of theory, empirics and computation. It will make the connection to matching models with imperfectly transferable utility.
Practical information
The course will be taught online over three consecutive days in Tuesday January 7, Wednesday January 8, and Thursday January 9, 2025.
The instructors are Alfred Galichon (professor of economics and of mathematics at NYU and principal investigator of the ERC-funded project 'equiprice' at Sciences Po) and Antoine Jacquet (post-doctoral researcher at SciencesPo, Paris).
Applications are now open: you can apply here